Tuesday, December 15, 2009

JASMS BATCH 2006: The Final Plan. Final Plan for batch 2006 christmas party cum mini reunion (By Dillian Escandor)

Due to some requests from different people, and as a result of an informal survey, we have decided to move the date of our Christmas Party cum batch reunion on the 21st of December. Some details were also changed to accommodate some people who will be having difficulties with bringing food and beverages.

New Details/Requirements:

When: December 21 (monday); 6pm onwards.

Why: Batch Christmas party cum Mini reunion

Where: Julius' House



We are requiring that you bring food (not donuts) that can feed 7 people. Should you not bring, you can contribute a paltry amount of 350. Failure to bring food or to pay the amount is tantamount to being barred from the event. NO FOOD or 350, NO ENTRY

We are also requesting that you inform us (Malaya or Cris or Julius or the author of the note) the kind of dish or dishes and kind of beverage (non alcoholic or alcohol) that you will bring. The purpose is to prevent us to have the same kind of dish and or beverage (puro andoks or puro coke).

Tagging along non batchmates/Jasms graduate):

We have decided that anyone can tag along a non-Jasms graduate/batchmate as long as you limit it to a maximum number of two (2) individuals. You should also bring additional food for them.


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